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Founded in September 2009, is quickly becoming the UK’s largest trout fishing blog focused exclusively on trout angling (with a loyal following in the USA too!). With each visitor viewing 6-8 pages per visit, is the most prolific blog reviewing new tackle, fisheries and guides, publishing the latest angling news and offering “How To” guides and advice.

Five Reasons to Advertise on

  1. The website is updated in excess of 5 times per week
  2. 50% of our readers bookmark the site for future use
  3. The average user spends close to 5 minutes per visit
  4. Users view, on average, at least 4 pages per visit
  5. By the end of October 2009 an ad will have been displayed 62,000 times!

*Statistics independantly recorded by Google Analytics.’s audience includes both the experienced angler and new enthusiasts, tackle shop owners, holiday providers, manufacturers and fishing professionals. is also popular with amateur and professional cooks looking for fish related recipes.

Providing a fresh and exciting website to our loyal and dedicated readers, is taking freshwater angling to a new level and welcomes advertisers to support our unique and appealing media outlet.

A limited number of advertising opportunities are available and to ensure each placement receives maximum exposure, no adverts are rotated with others or charged on a cpm bases (cost per 1,000 views).

Advert sizes available…

  • 728 x 90 horizontal skysraper
  • 125 x 125 button
  • 250 x 250 box
  • 160 x 600 wide skyscraper
  • 468 x 60 banner

In addition to convential advertising, offers a product review service where one of our team will be given to your product to test and given an honest, impartial review. Reviews are generally free providing is able to retain the product. Should a review require specific circumstances to be completed, we may request funding to do this (such as boat hire).

If you are interested in advertising on and would like to discuss the opportunities available, please contact us for more information.

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