Egg patterns may be unattractive to you and me, but they are responsible for catching a dizzying number of trout all around the UK, and the world.
Bright spring afternoons can often bring about the most pristine trout fishing conditions that any angler can dream of.
However, that can all change pretty drastically when we fast forward things to the midsummer months.
A strong, reliable knot, the Constriction Knot is a simple yet effective way of tying backling line to leader.
Workers at a Yorkshire Water site in Pontefract were stunned to find freshwater fishing swimming in a treatment tank.
With winter fast approaching, taking precautions to ensure your angling experience is not hampered by the elements is a necessity, especially if you want to stay safe, dry and warm.
As the trout season draws to a close, the chances of hooking a strong, mature fighter lures anglers back to the water for one last stab at success. With the dark days looming over, the weather turning and the water cooling, fish at the peak of physical condition lie in wait for a wholesome feed. So, how do you go about cathing these monsters?
A fanstic know for tying two lengths of nylon together, the blood knot can also be used as a dropper if it is tied with the tag end of the length nearest the fly line left long.
These innovate yet practical fly boxes from Shakespeare are being snapped up by anglers due to their second to none design. And for a limited time only, you can buy one and get one free!
Don’t miss out on this fantastic offer!
Shakespeare have been developing reels for generations and this Mach 3 version is an example of their true innovation. With a pratical yet advanced design, this reel is a bargain with over 50% off.
An econological disaster was sparked by one of the country’s richest men when he tried to turn an overgrown reservoir into a private fishing pond on a sprawling Scottish estate.